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This section features analysis soundings from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, with an archive for the last 30 years or more, and forecast soundings from the GFS model, available out to 7.5 days.

BoM Forecasts  |  Stormcast  |  Storm Potential  |  Raincast  |  Soundings  |  GFS Custom Charts

For a BoM analysis sounding, use the map below to select a sounding station. On the following page you'll have the option to re-plot the TAP with the starting conditions of your choice. The various instability indicies and so forth will be re-calculated reflecting the changes. Note that the data (sourced from the University of Wyoming) for the 00z soundings generally comes in at around 11:30-11:35am AEST while the data for the 12z soundings comes in at around 11:30-11:35pm AEST. Please note that the 18z run has now been fixed.

24/05/2011: PLEASE NOTE: Wyoming Soundings are now fully operational again.

Mt Gambier Adelaide Woomera Hobart Melbourne Wagga Wagga Sydney Williamtown Cobar Moree Charleville Alice Springs Mt Isa Giles Eucla Esperence Kalgoorlie Meekatharra Albany Perth Geraldton Learmonth Port Hedland Broome Darwin Gove Weipa Townsville Rockhampton Brisbane
BoM Analysis Soundings

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For a GFS forecast sounding you can select a custom location using the map below.  Data is available for the area bound by 110E to 160E and -10S to -45S at .1 degree intervals.  Clicking anywhere on the map will give you a sounding for that lattitude and longitude. Alternatively you can enter your own lattitude and longitude manually or select from a major location in the pull down menu.  The requested sounding will have the same TAP options as the analysis soundings above.  06z Lifted Index and 1000mb streamline forecast charts are available for the days listed above the map.

Init : 20250215 18z
Forecast For : Sunday, February 16, 06z
GFS Forecast Run
Latest run automatically selected

Sounding Location

Sounding Date & Time

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Please note that due to a major server failure at NOAA on the 7th July, BSCH is experiencing difficulty downloading the GFS data. It is unknown when the services will be restored. We apologise for this.

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The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) University of Wyoming NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) Austrlian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) PHP